Business, Advanced Certificates

Business, Advanced Certificates

Earn an Advanced Certificate in Business

高级证书课程旨在进一步提高您在当前学科领域的现有知识. esball国际平台客户端提供以下各种领域的高级商业证书.

供应链管理背后的原则侧重于发展原材料的无缝流动, products/services, information, and financial capital. The supply chain starts at the initial design process, and includes raw material sourcing, logistics, and continues through the delivery of that product or service to the end customer, with a goal of creating customer satisfaction at optimal cost.

商业基础证书课程是为没有本科商业学位但可以从会计领域的重点知识和技能中受益的专业人士设计的, 金融, operations, marketing, management and IT. 成功的专业人士应该熟悉这些领域,如果没有这些基本的商业知识,他们的职业发展可能会受到限制. The Business Fundamentals Certificate courses are part of the core MBA curriculum; therefore, 如果你想继续攻读MBA学位课程,所有课程都可以应用于MBA. View the Curriculum Sheet

健康care has quickly become one of the largest industries in the U.S. 经济, 以快速变化和对管理人才的需求为特征,并将延伸到可预见的未来. 医疗保健管理证书课程将使您沉浸在医疗保健的基本业务概念中, preparing you for opportunities in this fast-growing field. 本证书课程是为目前从事医疗保健(医生)工作的个人设计的, managers, 护士, pharmacists, 医疗保健提供者和健康计划工作人员)以及其他有兴趣将最新的商业和管理概念应用于不断变化的医疗保健世界的人. View the Curriculum Sheet

掌握预测、开发和实施成功的新产品和商业模式的技能. 了解市场和技术驱动的创新是如何发生的,以及如何管理这两者. You already know what venture capital is — here, 你将学习如何管理它通过检查复杂的金融工具的复杂性,成功地将新的想法商业化.

在人力资源管理证书课程将提供必要的教育背景,使明智的决策在管理有关的人力资源问题. 证书持有人将有必要的战略批判性思维的资源,以优化一个组织的人力资源.

管理和领导证书旨在为入门和中级管理人员提供组织流程中的核心业务技能, change management, resource management and leadership. 它的重点是协助经理和行政人员提高他们的管理和领导技能,以积极影响他们目前的组织和提供他们的职业发展潜力.

Data Analytics, commonly known as “Big Data”, is one of the highest skills in demand in today’s marketplace. 各行各业的组织出于各种原因收集大量数据:为了获得竞争优势, to improve the efficiency of operations, to reduce fraud/waste/abuse, to better understand customers, and a variety of other skills. 这些课程旨在让您深入了解大数据在战略决策中的应用, and is a pathway into the MS, Applied Data Science program, where 9 credits of coursework completed in the MBA.

The demands of a growing population are straining our environment. 组织需要能够有效和高效地整合可持续性和商业的专业人士. With this certificate, 您将熟练掌握起草和评估有利于环境和经济的战略. 研究主题包括绿色营销、风险管理和供应链实践.

商业基础和医疗保健管理证书也为学生提供了进入MBA和医疗保健管理MBA课程的另一种途径, respectively. If you have thought any of the following, this pathway might be right for you:

  • I want to get started right away without taking an admission test.
  • 我希望能根据我在MBA核心课程上的表现被考虑进入MBA项目.
  • I’m not sure if I want to complete an entire MBA, but I would like to learn core business principles in a short amount of time and still be able to apply all my course work should I choose to go on for the MBA.
  • 我想尝试一下MBA课程,我可以用它来获得一个有价值的和公认的证书, even if I decide not to complete the entire MBA.
  1. Applicants will be assigned an advisor as soon as the application is received. The application will not go to the Graduate Admission Committee for an admission decision; rather, applicants will be screened by their advisors.
  2. The advisor will meet with the student and explain the pathway. If both agree that this pathway is good for the student, together they will develop a plan of study that best meets the student’s needs.
  3. The student may then begin taking classes according to the plan.
  4. If the student receives a grade of C (or below) in any course, 该学生将自动从衔接课程和证书课程中删除. If removed, a student may appeal to be reinstated. The appeal will go to the admission committee and essentially be treated as a normal application; they may reinstate, 拒绝复职或要求学生在做出决定之前参加GMAT入学考试.
  5. If the student completes the certificate with no C’s (or below) and an overall GPA > 3.2, 学生将自动被MBA课程录取(如果愿意的话),不需要在录取委员会之前去. 不符合这些标准的学生仍然可以申请MBA,但将通过正常的MBA录取程序.
  6. Students who complete at least three courses toward the certificate with a GPA > 3.7 will be eligible for early pathway admission, and upon request, 会自动被MBA项目录取,而不需要经过正常的录取决定程序.



BS/BA equivalent.

A complete application file consists of the following items:

  • Application form.
  • Resume and statement of purpose.
  • Letters of recommendation — three letters required.
  • Official transcripts.
  • TOEFL/IELTS (if applicable).
  • GMAT/GRE is not required to apply for Business, Advanced Certificates.

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Graduate Admissions Team
电话: 518-631-9831


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